[CM] Enabling Common Music in S7

Taube, Heinrich K taube at illinois.edu
Sun Apr 12 16:31:43 PDT 2020

scheme has support for writing expressions to files so you can generate note lists to a file in grace.


> On Apr 12, 2020, at 6:02 PM, Juan I Reyes <juanig at ccrma.Stanford.EDU> wrote:
> Should focus and rephrase a bit better.
> -What I am looking is for a way of getting instrument calls into Snd
> from note events generated on CM or Grace.-
> On CM-2, there was an output option that will generate a note stream for
> a CLM instrument.
> Recall that in those days we would have have a Lisp image with CM on top
> of CLM and perhaps CMN.
> At the time, we were able to generate note lists, and even scorefiles on
> the same Lisp environment by using CM's 'process' macro and the 'events'
> scheduler to see or listen CM's output.
> For CLM's output we needed to load a compiled version of an instrument
> to listen to an audio file result of note events from CM. Since CLM was
> part of the same Lisp environment, CLM would render an audio file while
> the events function on CM would play it on the DAC.
> This was a straight forward operation once an instrument was loaded. On
> CM a new object was created with all its parameters, and any of those
> parameters could be used and manipulated within CM's 'process' macro.
> For example, let's say we wanted to use the FM-Violin instrument which
> has more than a dozen of parameters. Being the case, we would compile
> and load 'v.ins' which had CLM's code for the FM-Violin instrument into
> the Lisp environment and CM & CLM interacting with each other. We could
> write a process within CM that will control, say 'periodic-vibrato-rate'
> on each note produced. Here CM will generate note streams, CLM will
> render an audio file and CM's events scheduler will trigger an audio
> file player (DAC).
> For the above see pages: 325-329 from "Notes from the Metalevel."
> BUT NOW, we don't have CLM any more.
> If I remember on CM-2, the 'events' scheduler (function) will allow to
> generate just a '*.clm' file consisting of note streams and instrument
> calls. The issue as it is now is that still requires CLM as part of the
> Lisp image.
> What about if CM-2 doesn't require CLM to be loaded on the same Lisp
> image in order to get the '*.clm' file or scorefile?.
> Same thing with grace. What about if we could get the note stream or
> instrument calls from grace to be read on Snd?.
> I know that CM or Grace should know about Snd's instrument and
> parameters. Could we define a new object inside CM-2 or Grace describing
> this instrument and its parameters?, Just like we used to do when
> loading CLM instruments directly into CM?.
> Reiterating on the FM-Violin example, how can we get a note stream using
> CM or Grace, to be read by 'v.scm', FM-violin instrument on Snd?.
> Think this also helps in Iain's question in regards to a possible
> CM-S7-Snd interface.
> Thanks a lot,
>  -- Juan
>> In the old days of CMv2-CLMv(2-3) there used to be a nice connection
>> between CM and CLM. If I am not mistaken this is what is described
>> on one of the last chapters of 'Notes from the Metalevel'.
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