[CM] Sonata.pfa anyone?

Orm Finnendahl orm.finnendahl at selma.hfmdk-frankfurt.de
Mon Jan 7 07:27:56 PST 2019

Hi Bill,

 thanks for the answer. I found the cmdist mail below from 1997 from
you in the archives that's why I asked. It seems, the Sonata font was
on CCRMAs linux machines one time.


> linux fonts and CMN (Bill Schottstaedt)
> Date: Mon, 19 May 97 09:36:17 PDT
> From: bil (To: cmdist)
> To: cmdist
> Subject: re: linux fonts and CMN
> CMN does run in ACL 4.3 under Linux.  The following
> installs the Sonata font, but I haven't yet found a
> postscript previewer or tried to send the CMN output to
> a printer:
> cd Sonata.font
> cp Sonata /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Type1/Sonata.pfa
>    ;;; this works because the Sonata portion of the directory
>    ;;; is actually the same format as the thing Linux calls 
>    ;;; a .pfa file
> cd /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Type1
>    ;;; now su root if you can
> emacs fonts.dir
> add 1 to the first line (in my case I changed 16 to 17)
> add this line:
> Sonata.pfa -adobe-sonata-medium-r-normal--0-0-0-0-p-0-adobe-fontspecific
>    ;;; this is the X form of the font spec
> do the same in fonts.scale (this step may not be necessary -- I
> omitted it and things seemed to work).
> Now if fonts.alias does not exist on the Type1 directory, create
> it (i.e. touch fonts.alias), then edit it and add the line:
> Sonata -adobe-sonata-medium-r-normal--0-0-0-0-p-0-adobe-fontspecific
>    ;;; this creates the alias "Sonata" for the X font spec
> now return to your home directory as yourself (not root, I think),
> and
> xset fp rehash
>    ;;; this tells X to update the font path info
> Now you should be able to use the Sonata font!  (i.e. xfd -fn Sonata)

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