[CM] cm2: svg backend, permutation pattern

Orm Finnendahl orm.finnendahl at selma.hfmdk-frankfurt.de
Mon Jul 23 05:00:30 PDT 2018

Am Montag, den 23. Juli 2018 um 20:15:38 Uhr (+1200) schrieb adam:
> Yes, some of us still use CM2. +1 to keep posting Orm. 
> Although it refused to build the last time I tried it. 
> I must try again, I'm presently using an older image.  

Let me know if you run into problems. As the svg code depends on xml
libs from quicklisp, I'd suggest to use a recent lisp with quicklisp
support. If you use sbcl (and jack) it gives you the opportunity to
also use the realtime extensions.


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