[CM] txt file I/O

James Hearon j_hearon at hotmail.com
Thu Apr 26 09:19:53 PDT 2018

I'm having trouble trying to figure out how to write samples as txt to a file.  I have it working to the console, in emacs, but I can't seem to find the magic to save it to a file.  Hoping I could get some help.  Most of my efforts only result in saving .snd file to disk.  I'm trying to get just txt.
Thank You.

(let ((gen (make-file->sample "myMono.wav"))
      (v0 (make-float-vector 128)) )
      (do ((i 0 (+ i 1)))
      ((= i 128))
    (set! (v0 i) (file->sample gen i) )
         (format #t "~%~F: file->sample output:  ~F" i (v0 i) ) ) )

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