[CM] [PD] snd

Kjetil Matheussen k.s.matheussen at gmail.com
Tue Oct 10 13:08:10 PDT 2017

On Tue, Oct 10, 2017 at 8:30 PM, Simon Iten <itensimon at gmail.com> wrote:

> hi list,
> is somebody on this list using snd regularly?
> i was looking at this image:
> https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Spectrogram.png
> according to the file description it is done with snd.
> is this hard to do? hard as in: can i do this in a semi automated way to
> 12 files all about 12-15 mins long? (about 150mb each)
It's shouldn't be very hard. Start Snd, load a file, select the "f"
checkbox and unselect the "w" checkbox,
open the "Transform options" window and configure it to look the way you
Finally you can create an eps file by selecting "Print" in the file menu.

To do exactly the same thing as you did last time, select "Save session"
from the
options menu, and the next time you can start snd like this:
"snd saved-session.scm".

There's also ways to automate this to process several files, although I'm
not sure
what the best way would be. (I imagine using sed to replace the filename in
saved-session.scm could be one way)

Also, it's probably better to ask on the mailing list. I've cc-ed the snd
mailing list.
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