[CM] Cmdist Digest, Vol 94, Issue 8

Lynn Artas artaslynn at gmail.com
Wed Feb 24 07:44:55 PST 2016

Hey there, Ben—I'm an old schoolmate of yours from that time and place.  I
use a pseudonym on discussion lists so as not to embarrass myself or our
beloved teacher with my silly questions.  ; )

I'm in the same situation—starting up Grace/CM after well over a decade of
doing little to nothing with it. Bill Schottstaedt just gave me the names
of the following handy resources a few weeks ago on the list. Here are some

"The Scheme Programming Language" by Dybvig


Peter Seibel's Practical Common Lisp


I think you're right about "Scheme is a 'dialect' of Lisp...and S7 is an
extension of Scheme." but I'll let an expert confirm or correct.

Yes, there's an (nth x y) function in Scheme. I banged my head on this one
too—It's backwards from what we remember:

(nth listname index) instead of (nth index listname)

Cheers to middle aged dogs re-learning old tricks!

On Sun, Feb 21, 2016 at 1:00 PM, <cmdist-request at ccrma.stanford.edu> wrote:

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> Today's Topics:
>    1. Community of Grace/CM users? (Ben McAllister)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Sun, 21 Feb 2016 10:48:13 -0800
> From: Ben McAllister <benmca at gmail.com>
> To: cm list <Cmdist at ccrma.Stanford.EDU>
> Subject: [CM] Community of Grace/CM users?
> Message-ID:
>         <CADtM24xC3i7QGh5c_Dv7MX_YsYGBApr57=PUXv=
> H09Xhbw_smw at mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
> Hi All,
> I studied Computer Music with Richard Karpen in the 90s at University
> of Washington, where CM 1.4 and Csound were the tools of the day. I've
> been having a blast these past few weeks re-writing my CM 1.x pieces
> in Grace / CM3! Really great job on Grace - thanks so much for the
> documentation and examples in Grace. I found the tutorials and
> examples very easy to follow. I'd like to find a way to contribute
> more examples as I work through resuscitating my old work :)
> I build software for a living, but haven't used Lisp for anything
> except music. It would be helpful for me to have a better view of
> where Common Music sits alongside Lisp, Scheme, and S7. If I
> understand correctly, Scheme is a 'dialect' of Lisp with a rich
> community of users, and S7 is an extension of Scheme. Have I got that
> right?
> So, specifically to Grace, does this mean any Scheme code should run
> from a Grace editor window?
> As I refresh my memory on how to do relatively simple things in
> Scheme, I'm not sure if they're intended to be supported in Scheme. To
> take one random example, I assume I can consult the latest Scheme docs
> online to figure out whether or not there's an (nth x y) function in
> Scheme like there is in CL - there isn't, but it's straightforward to
> code up:
> (define (nth n l)
>   (if (or (> n (length l)) (< n 0))
>     (error "Index out of bounds.")
>     (if (eq? n 0)
>       (car l)
>       (nth (- n 1) (cdr l)))))
> Lastly, besides maybe Stack Overflow, it doesn't look like there is a
> place online where users can convene and share experiences and code
> except this mailing list. True?
> Thanks for reading and once again, great work!
>  --
> Ben McAllister | listenfaster.com |  @listenfaster
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> End of Cmdist Digest, Vol 94, Issue 8
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