[CM] help with repeated notes not running through a list...
Rob Howiler
rhowiler at presby.edu
Tue Feb 23 13:05:04 PST 2016
Hi - When I execute this last bit, I don't get a random distribution of
octaves the way I *think* I am supposed to. It doesn't seem to cycle
through the row, it just puts out a repeated pitch.
Also, when I try to use :time (now) in the mp:midi section, I get no
sound. If I use :time 0, things work fine.
Any help would really be appreciated.
(define (chance? prob)
(< (random 1.0) prob))
(define (keynum->pc k)
(mod k 12))
(define (retrograde-row row)
(reverse row))
(define (transpose-row row to)
(loop for pc in row
collect (keynum->pc (+ pc))))
(define (invert-row row)
(loop for pc in row
collect (keynum->pc (- 12 pc))))
(define row1 '(0 1 6 7 10 11 5 4 3 9 2 8))
(define row2 (invert-row row1))
(define row3 (retrograde-row row1))
(define row4 (retrograde-row row2))
(define (ttone reps row key beat amp)
(process with len = (length row)
repeat reps
for i from 0
for p = (mod i len)
for pc = (list-ref row p) ; i mod 12
for k = (+ key pc)
(mp:midi :key k :time 0 :dur beat)
(wait beat)))
(sprout (ttone 13 row1 60 2 .2))
;;;;;;;;;This returns repeated note on execution
(define (ttone2 len row key beat amp)
(process repeat len
for i from 0
for p = (mod i len)
for pc = (list-ref row p)
for n = (if (chance? .5)
(+ key 12)
(- key 12))
for k = (+ n pc)
do (mp:midi :time 0 :key key :dur 1 :amp amp)
(wait beat)))
;;;;;;;;;just a repeated note. doesn't run through row
(sprout (ttone2 12 row1 55 2 .2))
(define (ttone3 len row key beat amp)
(process repeat len
for i from 0
for pc = (list-ref row (mod i 12))
for w = (* beat (random 4))
for n = (if (= w 0)
(if (chance? .5)
(+ key 12)
(- key 12))
for k = (+ n pc)
(mp:midi :time 0 :dur beat :key key :amp amp)
(wait w)))
(sprout (ttone3 12 row1 55 2 .2))
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