[CM] Fwd: basic question (newbie still)

Rob Howiler rhowiler at presby.edu
Tue Feb 23 08:37:57 PST 2016

I’ve worked out the problem a bit.  Thanks.  Like I said, I’m sort of flying my the seat of my pants here….
> (define (strum3 key1 key2 beat dur amp)
>  (let ((step (if (< key2 key1) -1 1))
>        (diff (abs (- key2 key1))))
>    (process repeat (+ diff 1)
>             for key from key1 by step
>             for beg = (now)
>             do
>             (mp:midi :key key)
>             wait beat)))
> ;;;execute
> (sprout (strum3 60 63 10 10 .1))
should be this——with wait enclose like  (wait)
> (define (strum3 key1 key2 beat dur amp)
>  (let ((step (if (< key2 key1) -1 1))
>        (diff (abs (- key2 key1))))
>    (process repeat (+ diff 1)
>             for key from key1 by step
>             for beg = (now)
>             do
>             (mp:midi :key key)
>             (wait beat))))
> ;;;execute
> (sprout (strum3 60 63 10 10 .1))

That seems to do the trick to get playback as a “scale” & not a chord.
But this still gives no output:
> (define (strum3 key1 key2 beat dur amp)
>  (let ((step (if (< key2 key1) -1 1))
>        (diff (abs (- key2 key1))))
>    (process repeat (+ diff 1)
>             for key from key1 by step
>             for beg = (now)
>             do
>             (mp:midi :key key)
>             wait beat)))
> ;;;execute
> (sprout (strum3 60 63 10 10 .1))

> Any help would be appreciated.  I’m going by an outdated example in the Notes From the Metalevel Book which suggests using the output (new midi :time (now) :duration….. etc.  The "new midi" isn’t being recognized.  I understand the language has changed since the book was written, so I’m trying to get my head around the way things work now.
> Thanks again in advance.
> Rob
> ------------------------------------------------------
> Dr. Rob Howiler
> Academic Computing Services Coordinator
> Assisstant Professor of Music
> rhowiler at presby.edu
> (864) 833-8324
> -------------------------------------------------------

Dr. Rob Howiler
Academic Computing Services Coordinator
Assisstant Professor of Music
rhowiler at presby.edu
(864) 833-8324



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