[CM] sprout + csound question

Ben McAllister benmca at gmail.com
Mon Feb 22 23:23:57 PST 2016

I have a process which works fine when I sprout a single time like so:

(define (remix len tem)
    (process repeat len

(sprout (remix 20 180) "remix.sco" :play #t :orchestra "sndwarp.orc"
:header "my header string")

Is there a way to sprout multiple processes to be played back in
csound - something like:

   (remix 10 180)
   (remix 10 90)


   (remix 10 90) "remix.sco" :play #t :orchestra "sndwarp.orc" :header
"f1 0 262144 1 \"jam.aif\" 0  0 0\nf2 0 16384 9 .5 1 0
   (remix 10 90) "remix.sco" :play #t :orchestra "sndwarp.orc" :header
"f1 0 262144 1 \"jam.aif\" 0  0 0\nf2 0 16384 9 .5 1 0


I'm on Mac OS 10.11, I see my csound orc and header correctly
initialized in the Audio Settings dialog, and I'm getting csound audio
just fine when calling sprout with a single process - just unsure if
this is supported syntax for sprout.

Thanks in advance!

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