[CM] newbie question (sorry)

Rob Howiler rhowiler at presby.edu
Fri Feb 19 10:51:49 PST 2016

I’m using version 3.9.0 - I’m pretty sure I’m using common lisp.  The example is “interaction 2.  Generating a MIDI event to a MIDI file.” in chapter 12 (Etudes, Op.4: Score Generation).

I’ve noticed that some of the examples in the book don’t work anymore - perfectly understandable.  To be honest, it’s been “fun” trying to chase down some of the problems on my own.  Helps me learn the language and concepts.  I just can’t seem to chase this one down on my own.  

My plan is to write to a MIDI file and then dump that into Logic for playback.  (eventually I plan to use CM to control CSound, but it seems to be a ways off….)
Thanks for any help.
> On Feb 19, 2016, at 1:45 PM, Taube, Heinrich K <taube at illinois.edu> wrote:
> Are you using scheme, or common lisp?
> The book is many years old now and meanwhile the software has evolved.
> once you tell me what version so fthe software you are using and the example you are using I can help you
>> On Feb 19, 2016, at 7:56 AM, Rob Howiler <rhowiler at presby.edu> wrote:
>> The following
>> (define one (new midi :time 0 
>> 		:keynum 60 :duration 2))
>> gives “new” as an unbound variable.  I’m taking this straight from the Notes From the Metalevel book…..am I missing something?
>> Also, when I save a .lisp file, it doesn’t track changes.  I can “save as…” with the same filename & it’ll save the changes, but a regular “save” command won’t save any changes.
>> Thanks in advance & sorry for such a low-level question.
>> Rob
>> ------------------------------------------------------
>> Dr. Rob Howiler
>> Academic Computing Services Coordinator
>> Assisstant Professor of Music
>> rhowiler at presby.edu
>> (864) 833-8324
>> -------------------------------------------------------
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Dr. Rob Howiler
Academic Computing Services Coordinator
Assisstant Professor of Music
rhowiler at presby.edu
(864) 833-8324



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