[CM] partial tracking and sinusoidal modeling

Juan Reyes juanig at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Fri Dec 9 08:24:03 PST 2016

Hi Orm

Don't want to to get ahead of Juan Pampin but given the opportunity, I
have been using ATS stand-alone application successfully for quite a
while[1]. The fact that you get a GUI and an editor for re-syntheis is
very useful. Kudos to Juan and Pablo Di Liscia for their efforts on this

Not trying to get off-topic but Josh Parmenter's LPC Ugens in
SuperCollider are also very useful. Though If I am not mistaken Bill had
some applications of LPC in his 'birds' instruments. However not so
sure LPC functions are still functional in CLM or by the way on Snd.
Perhaps as with ATS there are more effective ways of getting
coefficients and analysis files.

  -- Juan Reyes

[1] https://github.com/jamezilla/ats

> In that context: Does anybody have a working common lisp (preferably 
> sbcl) based CLM and can point me to sources where to obtain it?
> --

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