[CM] Csound sprout question

Taube, Heinrich K taube at illinois.edu
Sat Apr 16 13:31:20 PDT 2016

soorry i didnt notice this post. if you ar using a mac perhaps the issue might be “sandboxing” that apple forces on the app. you could try two experiments to see if either helps

1. when you start the app use the File>Set Working directory   command to set a working directory for “test.sco” to be written to.
2. use a full pathnam, eg  for me it might be “/Users/taube/test.sco”

> On Apr 16, 2016, at 2:54 PM, Ben McAllister <benmca at gmail.com> wrote:
> I was assuming I'd be able to do this same thing from a process, but
> I'm getting an error that Grace is unable to get a file handle to
> "test.sco". Here's the function:

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