[CM] building Grace with OSC and FOMUS and saving files

Taube, Heinrich K taube at illinois.edu
Sat Apr 9 16:09:47 PDT 2016

>> Any advice on moving forward with FOMUS on mac much appreciated. Trying to build FOMUS from sources fails with a missing Boost definition:

you shouldnt have to build fomus, you should download its dmg from the sourceforge fomus site and install it.  are you saying the dmg doesnt exist any more?

i can run grace 3.9.0 with FOMUS 0.1.18-alpha on OSX 10.11.1 and everything works fine...

> On Apr 9, 2016, at 5:54 PM, Taube, Heinrich K <taube at illinois.edu> wrote:
> hi the best way to do this might be to move to the latest juce, which has osc support, and then reimplement the osc api in term of those underlying functions, which include OscSender and OscReceiver.  if you move to the latest osc then grabbing the current s7 would also be a good idea.  i might have time for this after august, but until then im hammered with school and a phase 2 nsf application, im sorry!
>> On Apr 9, 2016, at 5:39 PM, Ben McAllister <benmca at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi all -
>> I'm no help in getting oscpack or fomus building, but did manage to get Juce building by modifying the #define on line 55 of juce/modules/juce_audio_basics/juce_audio_basics.cpp like so:
>> #define Point CarbonDummyPointName // (workaround to avoid definition of "Point" by old Carbon headers)
>> #include <Accelerate/Accelerate.h>
>> #undef Point
>> #else
>> #endif
>> Note - Juce website just updated their forums, so google indexing looks pretty jacked up right now. The relevant post Matti mentions (well, maybe not the only post) is at:
>> http://forum.juce.com/t/build-problem-using-xcode-6/13729
>> Any advice on moving forward with FOMUS on mac much appreciated. Trying to build FOMUS from sources fails with a missing Boost definition:
>> /usr/local/include/boost/ptr_container/detail/map_iterator.hpp:121:12: error: no matching constructor for initialization of
>>      'boost::iterator_adaptor<ptr_map_iterator<__map_const_iterator<__tree_const_iterator<__value_type<int, void *>,
>>      __tree_node<__value_type<int, void *>, void *> *, long> >, int, const set<int, less<int>, allocator<int> > *const>,
>>      __map_const_iterator<__tree_const_iterator<__value_type<int, void *>, __tree_node<__value_type<int, void *>, void *> *,
>>      long> >, ptr_container_detail::ref_pair<int, const set<int, less<int>, allocator<int> > *const>, use_default,
>>      ptr_container_detail::ref_pair<int, const set<int, less<int>, allocator<int> > *const> >'
>>         : base_type(r.base())
>> Maybe an older version of Boost is req'd to build FOMUS, but I haven't dug into that issue yet. 
>> Lastly, you guys know about the archive of Grace builds here, right? http://camil.music.illinois.edu/software/grace/
>> List: is there a known good build for mac here including FOMUS support?
>> On Tue, Apr 5, 2016 at 6:05 PM, Matti Koskinen <mjkoskin at kolumbus.fi> wrote:
>>> hi Antoine,
>>> I tried to compile too, but oscpack goes fine. I built it first configuring with cmake (mkdir build ;cd build; cmake;)
>>> Im stuck with undefined Point, I didn’t look closely enough why, but it’s deep inside in include CarbonCore/Finder.h included from Framework to Framework from juce.h
>>> I remember from Juce-forums, that there were some incompatibilities with some version of Juce and 10.10, because Apple had changed something in audio again.
>>> Now Juce-website gives “under maintenance” so can’t check it for  sure, or get a compatible juce-version.
>>> ———
>>> sorry, first one went directly Antoine, always forget the reply-all button.
>>> But trying with  Juce, somewhere in the code found version numbered 3.1.1 (there isn’t any version in juce.h), and  after changing 2 compareLexicographically-calls  to compareNatural (sounded natural :-) in Sndlib.cpp the app was built. Don’t have midi connected now, but tried clm.scm, which uses s7 and Sndlib.cpp, test.wav was written and played too. Didn’t try to save from the editor, so that’s for later today, it’s 4am already here.
>>> All cats are gray at night and they’re also nocturnal animals.
>>> Code gives tons of warnings, but no errors or segfaults so far.
>>> best regards,
>>> -m
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