[CM] s7: Snd in CM, CM in Snd anyway - getting patterns.scm going

anders.vinjar at bek.no anders.vinjar at bek.no
Thu Jun 11 06:55:22 PDT 2015

    a> aiming at a patterns.scm which to include with snd only.

Here's a first attempt, which works already, but only if i start snd
from its source-directory, then load this file:

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It's got a '(require r7rs.scm)' up at the top, but this breaks any
installed snd:

Something to do with further deps?  ie. stuff.scm:

  ;bytevector?: unbound variable
  ;  /usr/lib64/snd/scheme/stuff.scm[551]
  ;    "stuff.scm", line 548
  ; (list integer? rational? real? complex? n...
  ; (load "/site/cm-sys/snd-15...

How to 'require the things in r7rs in an installed snd?


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