[CM] Grace/sndlib: ghostly mus-data-format-name creeping around

Rick Taube taube at illinois.edu
Wed Jun 10 05:15:32 PDT 2015

anders  did you run cmembed after you chaged the sources?  this scripts embeds all the scm sources in  c++ app.
whever you change the sources for Scheme or documenation or CLM instruments you need to call this script to create the embedded sources.

Illiac:cm taube$ res/bin/cmembed --help
usage: cmembed [scm] [doc] [ins] [ffi]
 Embeds the specified resources in the CM Source tree.
 Must be run from the top-level CM directory.
 Requires BinaryBuilder and csi

On Jun 10, 2015, at 6:43 AM, <anders.vinjar at bek.no> <anders.vinjar at bek.no> wrote:

> However, the error persists on the next try.
> Any clues where to look?
> -anders

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