[CM] snd arithmetics -> odd numbers - locale thing?

anders.vinjar at bek.no anders.vinjar at bek.no
Fri Jun 19 12:18:13 PDT 2015

    >> 1,5.0
    B> is really the correct way to write that number?  I'd expect 1,5
    B> -- it looks like s7 or someone tacked on ".0".

Yes, 1,5.0 is nonsense.  I beleive it's s7 doing this.

s7 doesn't consider comma to be a decimal-separator in input, only when
formatting some output:

   (+ 1.0 2) -> 3.0
   (+ 1,0 2) -> 1,0: unbound variable
   (/ 1.0 2) -> 0,5.0
   (/ 1 2)   -> 1/2

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