[CM] scheme, snd, cm_patterns.scm
James Hearon
j_hearon at hotmail.com
Thu Jul 9 10:31:06 PDT 2015
re: finding myself s7 challenged for CM_patterns.scm in Snd without Grace process, sprout etc.
I've kept digging with this and got something working, but it's not very pretty. It uses 'list-ref'
in with-sound (), but that could be improved, I'm sure.
(load "snd/CM_patterns.scm")
(definstrument (examp1 start-time duration frequency amplitude sampling-rate)
(let* ((beg (floor (* start-time sampling-rate)))
(end (+ beg (floor (* duration sampling-rate))))
(sine-wave (make-oscil :frequency frequency)))
(do ((i beg (+ i 1)))
((= i end))
(outa i (* amplitude (oscil sine-wave)))
(outb i (* amplitude (oscil sine-wave)))
(define xxx '(160.0 600.345 1000.0 400))
(define aaa (make-heap xxx))
(define bbb (next aaa #t))
(with-sound (:output "MyTest.wav" :srate 48000 :channels 2
:header-type mus-riff :statistics #t)
(do (( i 0.0 (+ i 2.0)))
((>= i 2.0))
(examp1 0 0.25 (list-ref bbb 0) 0.5 48000)
(examp1 (+ i 1.0) 0.25 (list-ref bbb 2) 0.5 48000)
(examp1 (+ i 2.0) 0.25 (list-ref bbb 3) 0.5 48000)
(examp1 (+ i 3.0) 0.25 (list-ref bbb 1) 0.5 48000)
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