[CM] Loop bug?

Rick Taube taube at illinois.edu
Thu Feb 12 06:04:31 PST 2015

that’s wierd, it sure seems like a  bug — ill take a look at it.

in  the meantime someting like this should work

(let (( chord (transpose (pick '(0 3 7)
                                   '(0 4 7)
                                   '(0 3 7 10)
                                   '(0 4 7 10)
                                   '(0 4 7 11))
                             (between 48 80))))
  (loop for foo in chord …)

On Feb 12, 2015, at 7:10 AM, Richard Wentk <richard at wentk.com> wrote:

> I’m working through the examples using the Mac App Store version of Grace. 
> This example in midioutput.scm produces an unbound variable error for ‘chord':
> (loop with chord = (transpose (pick '(0 3 7)
>                                    '(0 4 7)
>                                    '(0 3 7 10)
>                                    '(0 4 7 10)
>                                    '(0 4 7 11))
>                              (between 48 80))
>      for k in chord
>      do (mp:midi :key k))
> A simplified version does the same thing for q:
> (loop with q = '(1 2 3) for i in q do (print i))
> Is this a bug, or am I missing something obvious? AFAICT the code is valid in Scheme and should work...
> The equivalent SAL example works fine.
> Thanks!
> Richard
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