[CM] Beginner with open-sound.

Francis Derive francisderive at me.com
Sat Jul 19 12:14:49 PDT 2014

Yes, I like it, and feel more comfortable. Thanks a lot.


I agree, a global variable requires dignity - but, just for a while :

>(let ((*mus-sound-path* `("/Users/fdiMac/Documents/DEV/fdiDev/AUDIO-DEV/Snd-Cvs/medias/sous-dir" . ,*mus-sound-path*)))
("/Users/fdiMac/Documents/DEV/fdiDev/AUDIO-DEV/Snd-Cvs/medias/sous-dir" "/Users/fdiMac/Documents/DEV/fdiDev/AUDIO-DEV/Snd-Cvs/medias")

Nice, it could help for the future, … 

Not so much (file "harp-1.aif" is inside the sub-directory) :

>(let ((*mus-sound-path* `("/Users/fdiMac/Documents/DEV/fdiDev/AUDIO-DEV/Snd-Cvs/medias/sous-dir" . ,*mus-sound-path*)))
      (open-sound "harpe-1.aif"))
;no-such-file: open-sound "harpe-1.aif": No such file or directory
; (open-sound "harpe-1.aif")                  
; (let ((*mus-sound-path* ({append} ({list}...

I believe it is a S7 question, and I am not sure what would be the answer of any scheme to give what I wish.

On 18 juil. 2014, at 17:39, Bill Schottstaedt <bil at ccrma.Stanford.EDU> wrote:

> I added mus-sound-path (and the variable *mus-sound-path*),
> but it's only minimally tested.  It's a list of directories to search
> for sound files.
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