[CM] Beginner with open-sound.

Francis Derive francisderive at me.com
Thu Jul 17 02:13:40 PDT 2014

Bonjour la liste !

A lot to say, as a lot comes out to my face as revisiting Unix, Emacs-like env before enjoying lisp/s7 scheme dev language while playing audio.

My environment is Mac OS X mountain 10.8.5, XQuartz 2.7.6 (latest), even JackPilot which may help or not - not sure, we may see this later.

Anyway, my question :

> >*load-path*
> ("/Users/fdiMac/Documents/DEV/fdiDev/Snd-S7/medias" "/Users/fdiMac" "/usr/local/share/snd")
> >

In the above "medias" folder does sit the file "harpe.aif".

> ➜  medias  pwd
> /Users/fdiMac/Documents/DEV/fdiDev/Snd-S7/medias
> ➜  medias  ls -l
> total 254712
> -rw-r--r--@ 1 fdiMac  admin  129397690  9 déc  2011 harpe.aif
> ➜  medias  

I can open this file in snd with the Open menu from the listener window, but I can't open 

 it like that :

> >*load-path*
> ("/Users/fdiMac/Documents/DEV/fdiDev/Snd-S7/medias" "/Users/fdiMac" "/usr/local/share/snd")
> >(open-sound "harpe.aif")
> ;no-such-file: open-sound "harpe.aif": No such file or directory
> ;
> ; (open-sound "harpe.aif")                    
> ; (open-sound "harpe.aif")                    
> >

neither :


> >(open-sound "harpe")
> ;no-such-file: open-sound "harpe": No such file or directory
> ;
> ; (open-sound "harpe")                        
> ; (open-sound "harpe")                        

However, "harpe.aif" or "harp" is there - somewhere along the *load-path* tree ! 

Hard times.



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