[CM] tonight's SVN update

Dave Phillips dlphillips at woh.rr.com
Sun Jan 12 19:08:03 PST 2014

On 01/11/2014 08:00 PM, Heinrich Taube wrote:
>> Updated SVN code for CM/Grace 3.9.0, build was perfectly clean, no errors, with FOMUS and CLM support.
> hooray! was  oscpack included? (in not then you may have to do a 'premake4 clean' before you do a premake4 --with-oscpack …)

Sorry, oscpack wasn't included then. I retrieved the latest SVN code 
tonight fror a fresh build, with oscpack. Grace is working fine, but I'm 
getting an error from SuperCollider in the SAL OSC example :

FAILURE IN SERVER: /Grace Command not found

I think I've followed the example correctly. Any suggestions ?

> I not sure whats up with the player yet -- it might be that on linux a .snd file is being written and juce player doesn't  provide a reader for that format. for that reason i try to default to writing .wav files everywhere since all players handle it but i might have missed something
> ill take a look tomorrow, thanks for the testing!
>> The player zips through
>> the WAV file with no sound, I didn't note an error message but I'll look
>> closer during more tests.

As noted in your later message, that problem is fixed now.

Thanks again, Rick !



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