[CM] linux-port of OpenMusic

Dave Phillips dlphillips at woh.rr.com
Wed Oct 30 17:55:15 PDT 2013

On 10/30/2013 07:41 PM, anders.vinjar at bek.no wrote:
>      D> Greetings, Made a simple patch, renamed it, OM crashed with this
>      D> report :
> That on was a bit tricky.  Sorry to be of little or no help, but im only
> able to ask questions atm:
> You mean double-clicking the name, typing in a new name, then hit enter?

That's it, and it is reproducible. I just tried on the second machine's 
installation, same result. However, I used the Lisp interface to recover 
from the error. OM proceeded as though nothing had happened.

I can also freeze the program by using the scroller/slider that Ubuntu 
imposed on its users. When I use it to scroll down an OM window it 
sometimes freezes the app. I'll generate a report for that one asap.

Sorry I'm not so detailed with the reports right now, I'm in the middle 
of teaching and prepping a performance for the weekend. But I'll keep 
working with it. I've been following various tutorial materials, lots of 
good stuff to work with.



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