[CM] stop and sprout in one block

Heinrich Taube taube at illinois.edu
Wed May 22 07:37:21 PDT 2013

did you try using Command-K  to stop things and then simply re-evaluate the sprouts ??

On May 21, 2013, at 2:18 AM, Antoine <antoinedaurat at googlemail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> I would like to stop all running processes and then sprout the next ones
> on a single evaluation. 
> (define (proc)
> (process repeat 100 do
>          (print (pick 1 2))
>          (wait .5)
>  ))
> (begin
> (stop)
> (sprout (proc))
> )
> This seems to even stop (proc) from being sprouted!
> I can't use id's because it would be too much of a trouble naming 
> and keeping track of all the 
> processes I am sprouting each time... I just would like to "flush" 
> and keep on.
> Thank you for your time and your reply!
> Antoine
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