[CM] samples to speaker?

Alan Grover awgrover at gmail.com
Wed Mar 20 16:15:56 PDT 2013

What if I wanted to algorithmically generate samples and play them on
the speaker? CM has me stumped.

First, the sound-generation should be run from the command line, so no
Did I mention I'm on linux? Ubuntu 11.10 specifically.

Second, I'm using a genetic-algorithm to create the sound. This means I
run 100's to 1000's of times. I actually had this running in snd, but it
got all glitchy: I'm assuming memory leaks. Maybe I'll have the same
problems in cm, since it is s7 too?

Third, it doesn't have to be real-time playing, but that would be nice.
My hack for non-realtime is
	(shell "aplay $myfile")
because the 'autoplay' option does nothing (in "send").

Fourth, if it isn't clear, I'm not talking midi.

I've built the command-line "cm", and played a bit with it. I can create
.wav files, for example.

Maybe CM isn't right at all? What could I use to generate sounds that I
can control/interact with other apps?

Alan Grover
awgrover at mail.msen.com

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