[CM] beta1

Heinrich Taube taube at illinois.edu
Thu Jul 18 16:48:06 PDT 2013

The complete app is working again incuding the new skin by andrew burnson (visible in all dialog windows).

mac:    http://camil.music.illinois.edu/software/grace/Grace-3.9.0-beta1-osx.zip
win:    http://camil.music.illinois.edu/software/grace/Grace-3.9.0-beta1-win32.zip
src:    http://camil.music.illinois.edu/software/grace/cm-3.9.0-beta1-src.zip

sndlib auto-building is also working everywhere but you'll need to update to Premake 4.4. Ill make a new pass over all examples and make sure every example is available in the scheme and sal menus and then its pretty much a wrap. It will not be possible to include Liblo in an app store release so I am going try to move to OscPack for OSC support. If anyone knows OscPack and would be care to help me or test please get in touch!

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