[CM] clm+s7 finally up to speed

Juan Reyes juanig at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Wed Feb 6 14:25:26 PST 2013

Thanks a lot for looking into a possible slime-s7 interaction.

There seems to be a chicken scheme slime API[1].

However and as much as I hate doing this, I should pass the word to 
Fernando or Rick whom might have better knowledge about "slime" inner 
workings, in case there are specific APIs for each Scheme or Lisp.

I have gotten spoiled by just installing PlanetCCRMA's slime package and 
seldom looking at issues.

   --* Juan

[1] http://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/4/slime

>> a "slime-s7" interaction would also be great.
> I've looked into this briefly, but did not see any clear indication
> of what the API is -- what does slime need from s7?  I think
> I was looking at MIT-Scheme?

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