[CM] slime cm-2.10 and ASDF

anders.vinjar at bek.no anders.vinjar at bek.no
Wed Aug 7 02:19:45 PDT 2013

>>>>> "a" == adam  writes:

    a> So maybe for now I should simply regress earlier than 2.10, 2.9
    a> to back before asdf appeared ?

Seems your question triggered something here!  Any thread wandering far
enough to start the licensing-thing is probably important :-)

Amidst all the other issues, i think solutions were pointed to by
switching to sbcl and checking out a fresh source-tree from svn:

   $ svn checkout svn://svn.code.sf.net/p/commonmusic/code/branches/cm2 

M-x slime and:

    (load "/path/to/cm.asd")
    (asdf:operate 'asdf:load-op 'cm2)
    (cm:next (cm:new cm:heap :of '(is this working?) ) t)

Not sure about cures to bin/cm.sh, but if you just want to get cm going
you can roll your own by putting in something like this:

   $ sbcl --load "/your/path/to/cm2/cm.asd" --eval "(asdf:operate 'asdf:load-op 'cm2)"

Good luck!


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