[CM] slime cm-2.10 and ASDF

Torsten Anders torsten.anders at beds.ac.uk
Wed Aug 28 10:51:03 PDT 2013

Thanks for sharing those links. 

> he also has another nice package that does acoustic dissonance measurement based on Parncutt. 
> http://www.music.mcgill.ca/~ferguson/Ferguson%20Contribs/Apprentice-Dissonance.lisp

I am doing a lot of harmony in CAC, so this is a very nice find. Thanks! 

> fwiw  sean furguson wrote a very nice break-point function package in common lisp years ago:
> http://www.music.mcgill.ca/~ferguson/Ferguson%20Contribs/Apprentice-Envelopes%20Folder/Apprentice-Envelopes.lisp

Actually, this is not quite what I meant -- the BPF editor of PWGL is a graphical editor, more like your CM plotter. 

Anyway, if we are sharing links to BPF implementation ideas, here is another one I did about ten years ago (and recently ported to PWGL). The main idea is to use plain math functions as envelopes, and by combining such functions in various ways a rich set of envelope transformations is possible. A very long time ago I transformed this idea even into a CM pattern so that the CM function next could cycle through such an envelope. 


In case anyone is interested, I also still have the plain-lisp version of that somewhere. (The link provided shows the recent PWGL version, with a brief PWGL tutorial, but old plain Lisp examples and some macros not helpful in PWGL removed).

Best wishes,

Dr Torsten Anders
Course Leader, Music Technology
University of Bedfordshire
Park Square, Room A315

On 6 Aug 2013, at 21:12, Heinrich Taube <taube at illinois.edu> wrote:

> On Aug 6, 2013, at 2:07 PM, <anders.vinjar at bek.no> wrote:
>>   t> However, after loading I noticed that PWGL became unusably
>>   t> slow. 
> i was never able to do much with lisp works,  i think the lisp heap was limited in their free version or something like that. you might try compiling in one pass then loading in another, but i think i tried that and it didn't work or help much. does pwgl only run in lisp works?? oy..
>> PWGL (e.g., its score editors and break-point functions etc.) alongside CM2, which would be great. 
> fwiw  sean furguson wrote a very nice break-point function package in common lisp years ago:
> http://www.music.mcgill.ca/~ferguson/Ferguson%20Contribs/Apprentice-Envelopes%20Folder/Apprentice-Envelopes.lisp
> he also has another nice package that does acoustic dissonance measurement based on Parncutt. 
> http://www.music.mcgill.ca/~ferguson/Ferguson%20Contribs/Apprentice-Dissonance.lisp
> I've ported this one to scheme already, its in res/doc
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