[CM] beta3 (osc, backtrace, etc)

Heinrich Taube taube at illinois.edu
Tue Aug 6 09:05:28 PDT 2013

On Aug 6, 2013, at 10:36 AM, <Jean-Paul.ROY at unice.fr> wrote:

> By the way, I didn't use premake4, Fomus was immediately recognized by Grace…

oh then maybe you don't have lilypond installed on your machine? if not, you can output fomus to files that end with ".xml" and it will write MusicXml files that they can open in Sibelius, Finale or possibly MuseScore.  just change the output file extension from .ly to .xml i.e. change "fomus1.ly" to  "fomus1.xml"

> Do you know an elementary exposition of Grace used with Scheme. I would like to send some Scheme students on a discovery project on that. Simple enough for people not knowing music (I only teach them the basics of synth with PureData) ?

there are some scheme examples in the Help>Scheme>Examples  and am actually in process of converting ALL my Sal Examples into equivalent Scheme examples...

but if these students know scheme then..well.. all of CLM and cm are scheme.  have them try this:

1. Command-N to open a new scheme editor
2 paste these two lines in that window and evaluate each  line in turn (put cursor and end of each line and hit Command-Return)

(load "bird.scm")
(make-birds )

once you eval (make-birds) wait about 2 seconds and  the audio file player will open and they can listed to 1.5 minutes of Bill's wonderful additive synthesis birds. Ive been listening to them for 20 years, always with a big smile.  They can used Audio>CLM Instrument Browser   to explore all of CLMs   instruments (find bird and big bird in that browser for example.  some of  clams instruments are really useful,  be sure to check out grani...

>   -jpr
> Le 6 août 2013 à 14:27, Heinrich Taube <taube at illinois.edu> a écrit :
>> I can generate the fomus examples ..
>> did you install Fomus on your machine? 
>> do you see Fomus listed in the console when grace starts up? it should show something like 
>> 	FOMUS 0.1.19-alpha-rc2 (c) 2013 David Psenicka
>> if not,  you need to include fomus support in the build:
>> 	premake4 --with-fomus=/usr/local   …
>> On Aug 6, 2013, at 6:01 AM, <Jean-Paul.ROY at unice.fr> wrote:
>>> The Scheme example "Fomus" complains it can't find Fomus.ly file…
>>> Where may I download it ?
>>> Thanks,
>>> -jpr
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