[CM] Grace beta3

Bill Schottstaedt bil at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Tue Aug 6 14:30:22 PDT 2013

> /opt/cm/sndlib/premake4.lua:95: attempt to call field 'is64bit' (a nil value) 

I only need the pointer size in a couple places, leaving aside some
optimizations in clm that could easily be removed.  The main one
is that I need to pass a C pointer through s7 and back to C, and
I don't want a type conversion to mess it up, though I guess it's
safe if I just always use unsigned long long int -- I'll have to try it.
Alternatively, maybe there's a way to set it by hand (a switch in
configure, maybe also premake), then just assume 64 bits unless
told otherwise.  The premake function is needed because there's
no sure-fire way to get the void* size from the compiler -- or
then again maybe there is, but googling for it was disheartening.

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