[CM] slime cm-2.10 and ASDF

Heinrich Taube taube at illinois.edu
Tue Aug 6 13:12:54 PDT 2013

On Aug 6, 2013, at 2:07 PM, <anders.vinjar at bek.no> wrote:

>    t> However, after loading I noticed that PWGL became unusably
>    t> slow. 

i was never able to do much with lisp works,  i think the lisp heap was limited in their free version or something like that. you might try compiling in one pass then loading in another, but i think i tried that and it didn't work or help much. does pwgl only run in lisp works?? oy..

> PWGL (e.g., its score editors and break-point functions etc.) alongside CM2, which would be great. 

fwiw  sean furguson wrote a very nice break-point function package in common lisp years ago:


he also has another nice package that does acoustic dissonance measurement based on Parncutt. 


I've ported this one to scheme already, its in res/doc


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