[CM] grace, clm, s7, s-rate

James Hearon j_hearon at hotmail.com
Sat Aug 3 10:34:56 PDT 2013

Having some difficulty setting sample rate for clm insts in Grace.

Tried Menu/Audio/CLM Output Settings

also Audio Settings.

I'm using (load myinst.scm), then defining a process including (send "myinst" ...),
and finally (sprout (myprocess) :srate 48000), but it just defaults to 44100.

(with-sound (:srate 4800)) works fine, however.

Looked in cm/scm/sndlib-ws.scm which has (define *clm-srate* 44100).  Maybe
I need to change that 48000 and rebuild to set default to 48KHz?

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