[CM] slime cm-2.10 and ASDF

Torsten Anders torsten.anders at beds.ac.uk
Tue Aug 6 10:52:42 PDT 2013

I meanwhile found out that loading CM into the free PWGL application causes a stack overflow. The stack overflow does not happen directly when loading CM, but after that whenever some computation is attempted, which results in the perceived slow-down of the system. 

Not sure whether this can be overcome by actually compiling CM first... 

Best wishes,

Dr Torsten Anders
Course Leader, Music Technology
University of Bedfordshire
Park Square, Room A315

On 6 Aug 2013, at 18:18, Torsten Anders <torsten.anders at beds.ac.uk> wrote:

>> I could load this file into Lisp Works, more specifically as a library into the free PWGL application 
> I meant, I loaded CM2 with this file ...
> Best wishes,
> Torsten
> --
> Dr Torsten Anders
> Course Leader, Music Technology
> University of Bedfordshire
> Park Square, Room A315
> http://www.torsten-anders.de
> On 6 Aug 2013, at 18:17, Torsten Anders <torsten.anders at beds.ac.uk> wrote:
>> Dear Ralf,
>> Thanks for sharing your cm.asd file. 
>> I could load this file into Lisp Works, more specifically as a library into the free PWGL application (http://www2.siba.fi/pwgl/downloads.html). So, in principle this would allow to use PWGL (e.g., its score editors and break-point functions etc.) alongside CM2, which would be great. 
>> However, after loading I noticed that PWGL became unusably slow. Usually, whenever PWGL loads a library all sources are automatically compiled (resulting in *. clufasl files). For some reason, this is not the case after loading your cm.asd file. So, I had a look at that file and noticed that it contains much much more than the *.asd files I saw before (which usually consist of a single asdf:defsystem call. So, it is a bit difficult to figure out why the sources are not compiled. 
>> However, I noticed that in the asdf:defsystem call, most files are called with :scheme set to T. Why is that? After all, there are *.lisp versions of these files as well?
>> Thanks! 
>> For completeness, here are two further minor changes I had to make before I could load CM as a PWGL library. 
>> - Renaming the file cm.asd into cm2.asd (the name of the system defined with asdf:defsystem).
>> - The next error then said "Cannot load this library because Scheme source <PathToCM2>/src/gluplot.scm not found". The  CM tar ball version 2.10.0 I just downloaded from http://sourceforge.net/projects/commonmusic/files/cm/ does not contain this file. Luckily I had this file still somewhere else, but perhaps the tar ball should be updated? 
>> Best wishes,
>> Torsten
>> On 6 Aug 2013, at 10:03, R. Mattes <rm at mh-freiburg.de> wrote:
>>> On Tue, 06 Aug 2013 14:53:36 +1200, adam wrote
>>>> I'm sorry to be a pest, gentlemen.
>>> You aren't. That's what this list is for.
>>>> After setting up sbcl with Quicklisp, and setting the
>>>> environment variable,
>>>> $ export CM_RUNTIME=sbcl
>>>> Running  cm.sh  of CM-2.10 fails with the error below.
>>>> I can supply further information if required. While I can't seem
>>>> to find the sbcl Implementation Notes, I have established that
>>>> UNIX-FILE-KIND is not mentioned in the sbcl manual. Indeed it
>>>> seems to be a reoccurring problem for sbcl.
>>>> If anyone can recommend the best fix or patch for this, then
>>>> much appreciated.
>>> As a quick fix, just replace the file cm.asd in your cm-directory
>>> with the one in the attachment.
>>> BTW, I find it way more convenient to use CM like this:
>>> - create a symboli link from you cm-directory into ~/quicklisp/local-projects [1]
>>> - start your lisp of choice and enter:
>>> (ql:quickload :cm)
>>> (cm)
>>> HTH RalfD
>>> [1] on Linux, do:
>>> $ ln -s /where/you/installed/cm/ ~/quicklisp/local-projects/
>>> --
>>> R. Mattes -
>>> Hochschule fuer Musik Freiburg
>>> rm at inm.mh-freiburg.de
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