[CM] sndext.scm: open-sound problem

Orm Finnendahl o.finnendahl at inm.mh-freiburg.de
Thu Aug 1 06:26:09 PDT 2013


 trying to open a sound from an inferior-snd subprocess in emacs gives
the following error:

>(open-sound "/tmp/0-000.wav")
;channels argument 1, #<environment
  #<slot: result #<unspecified>>>, is an environment but should be a sound object, an integer (sound index), or #f
;    (> (channels snd) 1)


The sound opens, but functions containing this call will stop their

It worked before (like 1 year ago). I'm using the latest snd 13.8
(compiled from today's tarball) and loaded "extensions.scm" and
"selection.scm" from snd's src directory.

I tried to check this without emacs with a fresh snd process, typing
the command in the listener, but unfortuntely the opened sound
replaces the listener pane and I can't make the listener's prompt
reappear and check scheme's output...


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