[CM] Send notation to iPhone from CM

Sylvain Poitras sylvain.trombone at gmail.com
Wed Oct 17 06:45:04 PDT 2012

Hello fellow Common Music users,

You may be interested in a free app for the iPhone and iPod touch that
I've just released in the Apple Appstore: OSCNotation.

I developed this app primarily for computer musicians who collaborate
with traditional instrumentalist.

With OSCNotation, live-coders and computer musicians can integrate
instrumentalist into their performance by sending OSC messages to
display musical notation on their collaborators' iPhones or iPods.
Rhythm and note values are updated independently, so they may easily
transpose a pattern while keeping the rhythm intact (or vice-versa).

Potential use-cases:
	- live-coders who want to send melodic patterns to instrumentalists,
rather than virtual instruments;
	- Composers can create pattern based music and use a notation server
to send patterns to musician (think of Riley's In C);
	- Musicians could use OSCNotation to perform works that require
random selection of passages.

Website: http://oscnotation.sylvainpoitras.com/
iTunes link: http://goo.gl/L0JfB

Common Music demo video: http://youtu.be/vLIEGAwx-Xg?hd=1
Common Music sample code: http://oscnotation.sylvainpoitras.com/oscnotation.scm

Comments and suggestions are welcomed.  Source code is available upon
request, but you'll need to be part of apple's developer program to
deploy to your device.


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