[CM] building cm on linux from svn -r 2008, w. juce 2 from todays git

andersvi at notam02.no andersvi at notam02.no
Fri Nov 23 10:09:01 PST 2012

>>>>> "H" == Heinrich Taube <taube at illinois.edu> writes:

    H> anders, thank you for your help. did you commit to source forge
    H> our your own copy?

Yes, i commited the changes (including a patchfile it seems...) to
everything inside ./commonmusic/trunk which is svn to a new revision:

    $ svn log -r HEAD
    r2009 | andersvi | 2012-11-23 16:30:19 +0100 (fr., 23 nov. 2012) | 1 line

    changes to juce sendNotification things to setValue on sliders, missing libdl.so on linux build, perhaps something else...

But the gitted stuff (juce) was sent in the email as a patch (dont have
any commit access to juce afaik).  The changes in the juce-tree was 2
small typos making sound play w. jack.

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