[CM] slippery chicken release

René Bastian rbastian at free.fr
Sun May 27 00:44:26 PDT 2012

Le Sat, 26 May 2012 15:35:05 -0700,
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano <nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU> a écrit :
> On 05/26/2012 03:02 AM, Michael Edwards wrote:
> Count me in the minority as well!


> Perhaps most current users have _never_ been exposed to programming
> with "text", and have only interacted with computers through a mouse
> and graphical interfaces. I believe text interaction is faster but it
> might be just a bias because my brain has never been "programmed"
> under the visual programming paradigm.
> On the other hand I think most (all?) programming and software 
> development in the computer world happens in the text domain.

... et il ne faut pas confondre l'explication de la chose
- qui peut utiliser des graphiques - avec la chose.
<latin> In fine </latin> la chose doit être comprise et intériorisée
pour être utilisée efficacement - et là, le texte reste la seule aide

... und man soll nicht die Sache mit seiner Erklärung verwechseln.
Die Erklärung kann, wenn nötig, graphische Unterlagen benutzen,
aber, am Ende vom Lied, muss die Sache verstanden und intus
sein und dann bleibt nur der Text als effizientes Werkzeug.

I think I am not able to translate to English.

I saw incredible complex graphics of PureData, - but the resulting
music was incredibly flat :) 

Instead of making graphic software, it would be more efficient to
explain, explain, explain or translate Clisp to other langages.

> -- Fernando

René Bastian

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