[CM] CMN, coma :)

René Bastian rbastian at free.fr
Fri Mar 30 02:54:44 PDT 2012

Le Thu, 29 Mar 2012 12:52:57 -0700,
"Bill Schottstaedt" <bil at ccrma.Stanford.EDU> a écrit :
>  The
> other CL program from that era is CMN, also more-or-less comatose,
> but also maintained ever since.

It is true that only few people use CMN.
But it is sure that CMN works when Clisp works; 
all my old .cmn files compile on new installations - that is
really not a sign of advanced coma.

No other notation software (PC-composer, Score, MusixTex, ...,
Lilypond) I have been working with has the logical 
qualities of CMN - and logic is the most intuitive tool.

I abandoned Lilypond which is not compatible with himself 6 months
later :) 

What is missing? Documentation how to add new signs - but
that can be done by a wicki open to all (registrated) users.

René Bastian

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