[CM] [OT] Question about "Notes from the Metalevel"

Timoth E. Gard timgard at hotmail.com
Fri Jun 8 08:57:12 PDT 2012


Running WinXP, I downloaded the cm2 tarball from sourceforge and all appears to be running as per the book using the clisp that's also at sourceforge.

Looking forward to Scheme translations, but for now this is fantastic to help me shake the rust off of my LISP.

Thanks to everyone for their help and input!



On Jun 8, 2012, at 1:40 AM, "Arthur Sauer" <arthur at sauermusic.com> wrote:

> No apologies necessary, I think as well!
> Best regards,
> Arthur Sauer
>> No apologies necessary!
>> On Jun 7, 2012, at 2:52 PM, "Heinrich Taube" <taube at illinois.edu> wrote:
>>> yes I do plan to recode the examples this summer. Its been some years since
>>> the book was published meanwhile things move on. Of course its possible to
>>> run the version of CM2 that was current when the book was published, I think
>>> the CD has that and I could resurrect that runtime using sbcl or clasp and
>>> emacs.  I will rewrite the examples but I can't start until July, my
>>> apologies
>>> On Jun 7, 2012, at 2:15 PM, Arthur Sauer wrote:
>>>> For what it's worth, I redid most examples in scheme, if I remember well,
>>>> and sent them  to Heinrich Taube. I promised to do the last (few?) chapters
>>>> as well, but did not get around to it.
>>>> All the code I reworked, works, but maybe not always the most elegant coding
>>>> style... Maybe Heinrich can put it online somewhere.
>>>> I do not have time to check this out myself. I'm preparing for giving
>>>> workshops in Barcelana, and concerts in the Macba during the Sonar festival
>>>> with The Game of Life. Later this year I might continue with the last part
>>>> of the book, since I need to rework the piece I made with it.
>>>> Best regards,
>>>> Arthur
>>>> |       Arthur Sauer
>>>> |
>>>> |   <http://www.gameoflife.nl/>
>>>> <
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