[CM] build errors on linux

Bill Sack bsack23 at gmail.com
Thu Jul 12 15:57:57 PDT 2012

thank you for posting this. i had similar problems compiling on fedora 16 a
couple of months ago and just gave up.

i just added
      add(mypackage.links, "dl")
      add(mypackage.links, "Xext")
to premake.lua
and changed the other files to get rid of the redundant "::Font" and
compiled successfully.

thank you for helping me to overcome inertia!


On Wed, Jul 11, 2012 at 7:52 PM, Joel Matthys <jwmatthys at yahoo.com> wrote:

>   Hi all. I just rebuilt CM and Grace from source and encountered a few
> compile errors.
> I'm on Ubuntu 12.04 amd64, with a fresh svn checkout:
> Grace 3.8.0 [svn:1982M]
> JUCE v1.54.27
> S7 Scheme 2.8
> FOMUS 0.1.18-alpha
> 1. a bunch of XShm errors, which required adding Xext to premake links
> (around line 392)
> 2. src/AudioFilePlayer.cpp:20:36: error: cannot call constructor
> ‘juce::Font::Font’ directly [-fpermissive] (fixed by removing redundant
> '::Font')
> 3. src/MidiFilePlayer.cpp:95:42: error: cannot call constructor
> ‘juce::Font::Font’ directly [-fpermissive] (fixed by removing redundant
> '::Font')
> After fixing those three, everything built fine.
> Joel
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