[CM] Snd 12.8

Heinrich Taube taube at illinois.edu
Wed Feb 1 17:04:59 PST 2012

guile, gauch, stklos, chicken all support (to one degree or another)   
a variant of cltl2 called tiny-clos that implemnted basic  
functionality of clos

as i recall the stklos doc was pretty good,


also gauche:


and 'goops' in guile:


these tiny-clos derivatives didnt have lots of the bells and whistles  
but you could do 95% of typical cltl2 functionality. for example t--  
rather than cltl2's :around :before and :after methods -- these  
systems  let you call (call-next-method) when you want the next method.

i think make-instance was actually called make, ie

(make-instance 'foo)
(make <foo> )

and ininitialize-instance is called initialize.

so to implement an after method on initialize you would do

(define-method* (initialize (obj <mysuperclass>) args)

my cm2 sources are actually written in tiny-clos and works in  these  
shemes. cltl2 sources are autogenerated from the scheme code if you  
load the cm system into common lisp.

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