[CM] timesigs problem

David Psenicka dpsenick at gmail.com
Sat May 14 23:01:19 PDT 2011

The `send fms:meas' function isn't getting the time stamp from the
process for some reason (so measures are getting assigned times that
don't belong to them).  This should be easy to track down, I'll get a
fix out shortly  -David

On Thu, 2011-05-12 at 21:28 -0300, Ricardo Gabriel Herdt wrote:

> Another question (now I think I'm at the right mailing list). 
> In the following test example, when I comment out the "fms:meas"
> process, I get the result shown in the attached "without_timesigs"
> file. If I enable the process to change the time signatures, I get the
> weird result shown in "with_timesigs". Any idea?
> BTW (this one I think is something relative obvious I'm missing), I've
> never understood why I have to use the "with" declaration in the first
> process so that I don't get all the notes on a single staff. Changing
> ':part inst ' to ':part p' produces the "last-example" file.
> (let ((parts '((:id "vln1" :name "Violino I" :inst "violin")
>            (:id "vln2" :name "Violino 2" :inst "violin"))))
>   (sprout 
>    (list (process for p in '("vln1" "vln2")
>           do (sprout 
>               (process with inst = p 
>                    for k = (between 60 80)
>                    with pat = (make-cycle '(1 0.5 0.5 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/4
> 1/4 1/4 1/4 6))
>                    for rhy = (next pat)
>                    repeat 20
>                    do (send "fms:note"
>                     :pitch k
>                     :dur rhy
>                     :part inst)
>                    (wait rhy))))
>      (process for dur in '(4 6 4)
>            do (send "fms:meas"
>                 :dur dur
>                 :beat 1/4)
>            (wait dur)))
>    "timesigs.ly" :parts parts))
> Running Common Music 3.7.2 with FOMUS 0.1.17-alpha under Debian 6.0
> Thanks in advance!
> Ricardo
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