[CM] Sample Keyswitch Conversion Code available for Grace+FOMUS

Bret Battey BBattey at dmu.ac.uk
Mon Dec 19 14:02:54 PST 2011

Hello all,

I was posting queries last year in order to complete some Grace code for a compositional project. I've now posted the resulting code for public consumption.

The code works in Grace -- with FOMUS installed -- to take MIDI files that contain articulation keyswitches for sample sets (Vienna Symphonic Library in this case) and converts to MusicXML for importing into a music notation program (Finale in this case). So in theory one should get proper articulation markings, including slurs, based on the keyswitches in the MIDI file.

(Actually, slurs are still a bit inconsistent -- turns out to be a more challenging problem then it seems on the surface.)

This was hackware I created just to get my compositional project completed, but it could save someone else a lot of time who was trying to achieve something similar. 

Available at http://BatHatMedia.com/Software/  -- listed as VSLCONV

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