[CM] GraceCL source code

Heinrich Taube taube at uiuc.edu
Tue Nov 16 05:07:27 PST 2010

its partially back in svn now, that is, you can do

svn update
premake --gracecl  --sndlib /path/to/sndlib

and gracecl will again compile and build, and im able to start clisp  
with it, but i would still have to get the new editor to 'evaluate'  
common lisp expressions so its not usable yet.
i didnt continue to ensure that gracecl was in sync because i didnt  
think anyone was using it.
im not sure how much work i want to put into this, but ill try to get  
the editor side running next week during school break.

On Nov 13, 2010, at 1:27 PM, Matti Koskinen wrote:

> hi,
> where's Grace Common Lisp source code? There are so many different  
> alternatives in sourceforge, but what is Grace CL.
> I've been coding Morse-Thue in common lisp, rather than scheme  
> because of some system functions available in cl. The version I have  
> of GraceCL has wrong url for help, and other minor oddities, so I'd  
> like to compile it myself.
> What version and what version of Juce needed?
> I'm on OSX, but also could compile for Ubunbtu 10.10.
> thanks
> -matti
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