[CM] defining Csound ftables

Heinrich Taube taube at uiuc.edu
Sat Nov 20 13:56:51 PST 2010

ok i changed cs:f to quotify any string param. so if you do an svn  
update you can load the latest port.scm file for the fix (or build cm  
from sources)

so this program produces the test.sco snippet below it

;;; -*- syntax: Sal2; font-size: 18; theme: "Emacs"; -*-

variable sound = "china_single impuls_cl.aif"

process csound(len, p2, seg)
   for frq = between( 220, 5000)
   for t = elapsed(#t) ; get true score time
   for a = interp( t, seg)
   while t < len
   send( "cs:i", 1, t, .1, frq)
   if (t = 0)
     send ("cs:f", 1, 0, 32768, 10, 1)
     send ("cs:f", 2, 0, 32768, 1, sound, 0, 0, 0)
   wait a

sprout(csound(10, 0.05, {0 0.01 10 0.05}), "test.sco")

; Common Music output 20 Nov 2010 3:50:58pm

f 1 0.000 32768 10 1
f 2 0.000 32768 1 "china_single impuls_cl.aif" 0 0 0
i 1 0.000 0.1 2140
i 1 0.010 0.1 1990
i 1 0.020 0.1 3478
i 1 0.030 0.1 2540
i 1 0.040 0.1 4283
i 1 0.050 0.1 228

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