[CM] Common Music 3.6.0 - Scheme

Heinrich Taube taube at uiuc.edu
Wed May 26 18:25:44 PDT 2010

> (And simply work on smaller size files).

what do you mean? the code editor can edit huge files now, ive tested  
it with the largest scheme files i can find and it works perfectly as  
far as i know.

On May 26, 2010, at 5:14 PM, Adam wrote:

> On Thursday 27 May 2010 09:52 am, Heinrich Taube wrote:
>> just compile cm from sources and it will also build  'cm'  -- a
>> console app that you can use as your "scheme" program in emacs.
> Thanks.   I haven't got MVSE C++ 2008,  so will leave it for now.
> (And simply work on smaller size files).
> No problem.          Adam.
>> On May 26, 2010, at 3:56 PM, Adam wrote:
>>> Thank you Ric.  Congratulations and well-done.
>>> Regarding Emacs and CM,  as per the readme.txt file in this
>>> 3.6.0 release,  can you recommend a Scheme for MS-Win ?
>>> http://community.schemewiki.org/?scheme-faq- 
>>> standards#implementations
>>> I suppose MIT-GNU Scheme might be a place to start,  given that
>>> GNU-Emacs works so well on that  system.   If you have any
>>> recommendations or caveats.
>>> =
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>>> ====================================================================
>>>                               CM IN EMACS
>>> =
>>> =
>>> =
>>> =
>>> = 
>>> = 
>>> ====================================================================
>>> bin/cm is a console app that can be used as an inferior scheme  
>>> process
>>> in Emacs.  Add this snippet to your .emacs file and fix 'cm-path'  
>>> for
>>> your machine. Then restart emacs and start CM by doing: M-x: cm
>>> [ ... snip ... ]
>>> =
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>>> = 
>>> ====================================================================
>>> On Thursday 27 May 2010 02:49 am, Heinrich Taube wrote:
>>>> Ive released cm 3.6.0 to sourceforge with binaries for window, osx,
>>>> ubuntu and fedora. a big "thank you" to all that have helped in the
>>>> process! The only thing new in the official release and not in the
>>>> betas is that the Fomus syntax in the editor works now for editing
>>>> fomus score files (thank you david).  If you use fomus you should
>>>> also
>>>> update your installation to rc4
>>>> https://sourceforge.net/projects/commonmusic/files/
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