[CM] Simple oscillator?

Heinrich Taube taube at uiuc.edu
Tue May 18 04:09:29 PDT 2010

On May 17, 2010, at 9:58 PM, Jeff Sandys wrote:

> Thanks for all of your replies.
> So for CM and SND, when you use with-sound you are creating a wave  
> file to be later played,
> the sound generated can not be directed to a real time output with  

ill be looking at direct output to juce audio drivers this summer.

> In the reich.sal example one version says: this plays the example in  
> real time out your midi port,
> and the other says: this generates the example to a file called  
> reich.mid in your home directory.
> Is the first version really real time, sending each note on one at a  
> time, or does it just send the
> whole midi sequence all at once?

it sends it in one at a time, at the "real" time.  you can spool  
messages into the future as well.

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