[CM] latest FOMUS not working with latest Grace

taube at illinois.edu taube at illinois.edu
Mon May 31 16:53:10 PDT 2010

fwiw the spectal.sal fomus examples are working on osx in boost 1.39. 

>Date: Mon, 31 May 2010 19:14:42 -0400
>From: Dave Phillips <dlphillips at woh.rr.com>  
>Subject: [CM] latest FOMUS not working with latest Grace  
>To: Rick Taube <taube at uiuc.edu>, cmdist at ccrma.Stanford.EDU, David Psenicka <dpsenick at gmail.com>
>I've built CM/Grace (latest 3.6.0) and FOMUS (0.1.12-alpha-rc4) on 
>Ubuntu 9.10, 32-bit, GCC 4.4.1 and Boost 1.40. I'm trying to run an 
>example in spectral.sal but Grace crashes with the following error:
>./Grace: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/fomus/lilyout.so : undefined 
>symbol: _ZN5boost9iostreams22file_descriptor_sourceC1Eib
>I added <boost/iostreams/device/file_descriptor.hpp> to the includes in 
>lilyout.cc but it makes no difference.
>Any suggestions ?
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