[CM] Newbie question - and about them

Aykut Caglayan aykut_caglayan at yahoo.com
Sat May 8 13:11:30 PDT 2010

My quick suggestion is:

> (let ((l1 '(300 4 5995 6 90))
            (l2 '(33 2 90 8))
            (l3 '(9 782 9)))
  (loop for l in `(,l1 ,l2 ,l3);;list of lists;;
        with result = '()
        (set! result (append result
                             (list (loop for nl in l
                                         with i = most-negative-fixnum
                                         (when (> nl i)
                                           (set! i nl))
                                         finally (return i)))))
        finally (return result))) 

> (5995 90 782)

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