[CM] cm 3.6.0 beta 4

Heinrich Taube taube at uiuc.edu
Tue May 4 07:24:30 PDT 2010

btw you DONT need juce at all, ive got the amalgamted sources included  
in the cm distro.
look in the cm/readme.text for more infomation

just download cm from svn

premake --verbose --target gnu --sndlib /path/to/sndlib [--liblo /path/ 
to/liblo] [--fomus /usr/local]

when you make sndlib delete the libsndlib.so  so cm will link  
statically (ill fix my makefile to use the .a explicitly soon)

On May 4, 2010, at 9:01 AM, Dave Phillips wrote:

> Heinrich Taube wrote:
>> oh let me look at the #defines that are in effect --  maybe the
>> defaults changed  and i need to turn on jack or something. let me  
>> poke
>> at this, it'll take a day or two though this is the busiest time of
>> the semester for me.
> Thanks, Rick, but there's no hurry here. I'll dl the latest Juce and
> other sources and build Grace from scratch. I have some time over the
> next few days, I'll report back with any news.
> Best
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