[CM] spear <-> grace

Johannes Quint johannes.quint at web.de
Tue Jul 6 11:48:15 PDT 2010

> sorry i dont understand what your problem actuall is -- are you  
> saying you cant import data using 'import-spear-frames'  ??

exactly. i convert in spear a wav-file to a text-file. i.e. your  

then, in sal:

variable clar = import-spear-frames("clarinet.txt")

loop for i from 0 to length(drum) - 1
   loop for k from 1000 to 5000 by 500
     for a = between(0.0001,0.0005)

now, i get in the console:

 >>> Error: >= argument 1, 66,912064, is symbol but should be a real

the commas clarinet.txt...
when i convert them into dots, import-spear-frames works correctly.

the same vice versa: export-spear-frames creates dots and i have to
convert them into commas not to get an error in spear.

> if that is the case send me the spear data file you are trying to  
> import and also the scheme or sal statement you are trying to use to  
> load the data.

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